Posts Tagged ‘everyday’

5th eofy

Not that 5 is any significant number for us or for anything, but it feels like a bit of a milestone to take stock and give thanks to God. Much has happened for our family that went from two 5 years ago to the four of us now; I think neither Anna nor myself could’ve understood the immense impact having kids would have on our marriage and life in general, but at the same time that greater responsibility and effort translate very directly to immense joy in seeing Micaiah and Jemimah grow physically, in maturity (well, as much a 3.5 year and 1.5 year olds can be :D), and also spiritually. It hasn’t been without some difficult and trying bits here and there (not to mention having to face the stark reality of how selfish and unloving I can be; marriage and children makes no room to hide these realisations), but we trust that in all things God can shape us to be more like His Son – so we hope that we’ll keep learning the lessons as a couple together.

Hello world!

We are back form hiatus! After the hacking incident late last year I’ve been reviewing whether we should continue hosting this on our own infrastructure or go with online services (e.g., Tumblr) – or even joining Facebook instead (*gasp, for those who know my desire to stay off the popular social network).

But in the end, mandatory advertising to keep these sites free and a rude shock when Tumblr dropped a significant feature without announcement (for another project) convinced me back to give this another go. We shall see how well we go!